Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day with The Hendricksons!

Nick & Taylor hosted all of us on Christmas Day!
 Camry was spoiled with attention and many gifts!
 New Slippers-
 Cash Register! Once she opened this, she didn't want anything else!
Papa Mommy's gifts:
 Jig Saw!
 Braden & Camry!
 Mom's new bike!
 Troy & Julieta!
 Scarlet & Dylan!
 My favorite gift!!!
 Youngest Cousins!
 I love holding this little girl! Wish I could see her more often!
 Pregnancy Habit - Chewing Ice!!!
 Nick's Pet Snake --- eek.
 Skyping with Kyle, Valerie, Lilly, & Landon!!
 One last gift: Camry's Doll House! She is pretty crushed that she has to wait until "otah" to play with it!
It was a fabulous holiday filled with great memories!