Monday, April 14, 2014

3 for Three!

Our little family all slept through the night!!! All three of us!! (I know CRAZY!)
Camry didn't wake up at all last night! Prayers are answered!!! Camry is no longer nursing!
She earned a big girl present! I got Camry a Baby Anna from Disney's Frozen.
Lovin' Morning Cartoons Together!
Last Wednesday we quit nursing.  The nights following where long and stressful but not as bad as I anticipate.The worst was the first night, see previous post of her flopping like a fish!  That next night was hard but not as bad.  Cabbage leaves have been my best friend! I know that many people were praying for us and cheering us on! I super appreciate all the support!  Camry's babysitter stopped by and played with Camry and she will never know how much I needed that!!! One of our dear friends, dropped off donuts... they were heaven sent! The little things bring great joy!

1 comment:

lynandsky said...

Congratulations!! I seriously can't believe you did it this long! lol I love reading your posts - it's so fun to see the similarities in just the facial expressions and mannerisms of our girls. It must be the age!